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Easy To Complete

testing process

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100% Guarantee

 60 day money back

Easy To Complete

 testing process

24 Hour, 7 Day

 livechat support

Your Animal's Wellness Journey

Test My Pets sensitivity tests are designed to help you understand your animal’s reactions to everyday items that it could come into contact with.

We have made the process easy to follow and are here to support you 24/7. Our team have conducted hundreds of thousands of bioresonance tests for customers and their animal friends around the world over the last 11 years and are the market leaders. Our sensitivity tests are carried out using bioresonance therapy and is categorised under Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAMs) which covers a wide range of therapies that fall outside mainstream medicine.

No appointments are necessary. Just send us your sample and let us do the rest. We screen your animal’s sample and send results directly to your email for your peace of mind.

Four Simple Steps


Buy securely


Take the test


Use the results


Make positive changes

Happy pets and owners

Join our happy customers

More About Our Service

Our Labs

DISCOVER more about our custom-built labs in the heart of the East Midlands. Overseen by our scientific management team and following Good Laboratory Practice.


QUESTIONS regarding our tests, service and what you’ll receive are all answered here. Find out exactly how the sample will be processed and all your other queries.


NAVIGATE the complexities of Food Sensitivities, Food Intolerances and Allergies and how they can impact a pet’s health and wellbeing in easy to read guides.

Your Questions Answered

How long do results take?

Results are processed at our labs within 7 working days of receipt of the sample, however, our usual processing time is shorter. You will receive a “sample received” email notification from us the moment the sample has entered our labs. If you haven’t received any correspondence from us then please check your email SPAM or JUNK folder. 

Where is my kit?

Our bioresonance tests require no physical kit that is sent to you. Simply complete your order and follow the on-screen / emailed instructions and send us a sample to the address provided.

Can I send the hair/fur if it is treated?
Yes, the test is completed on the composition of the sample so treatments will have no effect on the result.
How much fur/hair is required for a sample?
3-5 strands individual strands of hair is required from anywhere on the animal.
How do I take a sample?
Brush the hair/fur to reveal the skin/root area with a clean brush if possible. Take the sample 3-5 hairs from the brush ensuring there is a root attached. Enclose the sample in a sealed, labelled, plastic bag.
What is Bioresonance?
Bioresonance therapy is a complementary medicine (CAM) using a device that captures and diagnoses electromagnetic signals coming from the body. Developed in the 1970’s by a team of medical doctors and bio-physicists, these devices are in regular use throughout Europe and the world.
What if I'm not satisfied?
If you are not satisfied with any of our services, please contact us directly via email or live chat as soon as possible in order to assist you in resolving any issues. We have a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

A Name You Can Trust

About Us

TRUST in a market-leading global provider of alternative health products and services. We’ve been helping pet owners since 2008 discover more about their animals.


RELAX in the knowledge that our customer service representatives are available on 24/7 LiveChat and we offer a 100% moneyback guarantee on all of our tests.